Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

In this article, we have given complete information about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

Do you run a mobile phone?

Can anyone live today without a mobile phone?

Do you use the Internet on a mobile phone 6-10 hours per day?

If yes, then this post is very important for you so that you can get complete information about the benefits and Haines of using mobile phones.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

Why is it important to know the benefits and disadvantages of mobile phones?

At this time there will be hardly any people who will not have a mobile phone. It is a common practice for everyone to have a mobile phone because humans have lost it.

But while using mobile phones, we also have to keep in mind what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones. At this time, mobile phones in the world have brought a lot of change in connecting people with each other.

In the absence of a mobile phone, today's man cannot complete his work even for a second. With today's smartphone, you can call, send messages, read emails, edit many types of documents and save and at the same time, we cannot even imagine what we can do in a mobile phone. What can we do?

If seen, a mobile phone is a boon for man and for man. But everyone knows that whatever is beneficial to human beings on this earth also causes harm.

Let's discuss something about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones…

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

Benefits of Mobile Phones

Let us first talk about the benefits of mobile phones. Mobile phones have brought a lot of change and speed in human life -

1. Easy Communication Medium 

Everyone has a mobile phone of some kind, whether cheap or expensive, small or big. The best part is that it is easy to keep your mobile phone with you at all times.

 You can easily talk to your miles and distant loved ones in a few seconds. You can use it as long as the network is coming on your mobile phone, but in today's era, mobile towers and networks exist everywhere from jungle to big city.

2. Connect with a social media website 

Today, a mobile phone is not just a mobile phone - it has become a device to accomplish many kinds of tasks. The upgrade is being done in mobile phone technology every day. In today's simple smartphone, you can easily take photos, enjoy songs or videos, send emails, play games, make videos, make money, with the help of the internet, all kinds of information I can know

With the help of navigation options, you can reach your designated place without losing any route. There are millions of other things that you can do with your mobile phone. We can also call a smartphone a small computer. You can talk to your friends on the social networking website through the internet on this.

3. Boost Success in Business 

Mobile phones have also proved to be very beneficial in the field of business. With its help, you can easily contact your company's employees and get all the information. All work-related information can also be explained and sent over the phone to your employees. You can sit in your country and deal with companies sitting in distant countries and complete all the meetings through video calls. This will also make it easier for you to know your business and will also give a boost in business.

4. Helping people in starting and legal matters

Many criminal activities are happening today. The location of any mobile phone can be tracked from a computer via GPS on a mobile phone. Police have also easily stopped many legal activities from the record of all phone numbers or messages in mobile phones or communication.

Not only the police or army force but the parents also give their children mobile phones to carry with them so that they can be relaxed and alert in the safety of their children.

5. Fashion's first name 

Yes! You heard right, the mobile phone is the first name of fashion in today's era. Look at the mobile phone in whose hands you can see whether they need it or not, especially among the youth.

6. Help in an emergency

Think that you are caught in some inconvenience somewhere. There can be many types of discomfort. Like if your car has got an accident, and you have to talk to your family members. Or Phil, you have lost your way.

Maybe your health is very bad and you need a doctor as soon as possible, even at that time you need a mobile phone. If we think of such emergency quotes, there may be many, so keep a mobile phone with you while leaving the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

Disadvantages of mobile phones

I think that after knowing about the disadvantages or side effects of the given mobile phone, there will definitely be a 50% drop in your mobile usage time. news in mobile technology

Professor Kenneth J. Rothman (one of the world's leading epidemiologists) says:

Within just a few years a large population of the world has adopted a new technology, which is a small radio transmitter near the head, for a few hours per day.

In a few years, the demand for mobile phones has been increasing all over the world. According to research, if we look at the figures of the graph given below, in India, there has been an increase of 114 crore mobile phone users in 2015 as compared to the year 2013. It is also estimated that by 2019, there will be an increase of 175 crores in mobile phone users compared to 2016.

1. Frequent troubleshooter 

All of you people will see this thing about the mobile phone when you are in a meeting related to your business and your phone rings. At such a time, your mobile phone becomes a matter of discomfort and hindrance in your work. This inconvenience occurs because in today's day humans have made mobile phones a constant medium of communication.

2. Attention fractures and accidents during driving 

People are so engrossed in the use of mobiles that they talk on mobile phones even while driving. This mistake or loss is also mostly due to the continuous use of mobile phones.

According to the US National Safe Council, more than 16 million accidents per year in the US are caused by talking on a mobile phone while driving.

3. Bad effect on health

By the way, there has not been a complete page about the ill effects on the health caused by the mobile phone tower. But according to some reports, mobile phone towers can cause many types of health loss such as! Unusual growth in cells, brain tumors, decreased immune system capacity, sleep deprivation and anxiety, blood cancer in children, sterility, and miscarriages, and many other health-related discomforts. mobile phone radiation and health

4. Waste of Time

Some children get into a bad habit of mobile phones. He talks on the phone for a long time, playing games, watching pictures and videos on mobile phones, if we say truly wasting time.

5. Violation of Privacy and Security 

Today's people, when people are using mobile phones day and night, then save all their confidential information in it. If we take, for example, imagine if you lost your mobile which contains information related to your bank account, online password in your mobile phone or mobile number of your own people, everything will be shared in front of people.

We take such things very easily, while we should be vigilant in such things. Criminals also violate the protection of criminal activities with the help of lost mobile phones of others.


Yes! This is completely true. You have less profit and more loss from your mobile phone. Today, when you have come to know about the boon and curse of a mobile phone, stay away from your mobile phone as much as possible and reduce your mobile phone usage time. Do not even think of touching your mobile phone while you are driving a car or bike or walking on the road. research phone

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