What are a motherboard and its functions?

In this article, you will know what is the motherboard and what is its function? We all use computers in our everyday life and a motherboard is the major component of a computer. It is also known by other names like the main circuit board, mainboard, system board, baseboard, and logic board. It is not that the motherboard is just part of the computer. Motherboards are also found inside phones, which we know by the name of the logic board.

What is a motherboard and its functions?
What is a motherboard and its functions?

Ever since the computer was invented, the motherboard has been an important part of it. However, the old motherboard had only a few components. For example, the first PC motherboard made by IBM only had a processor and card slot. But if you look at today's motherboard, you will get different types of features in them. This is the reason that today's computer is so capable.

In this post, we will tell you what is the motherboard and its function? Will give you full information about this. In addition, we will also tell you about the main parts of the computer motherboard and their functions in detail so that you can get complete information about the motherboard. So let's first learn, what is a motherboard? After this, we will also talk about the next points.

 What is a motherboard?

The motherboard is a core part of the computer known as the (PCB) Printed Circuit Board. Which interconnects various internal components and provides connectors to connect external peripherals to the computer. It is considered to be the most important part of the computer system. If you look at the picture of a motherboard, you will see a green circuit board in it, which will have a lot of equipment.

What is a motherboard and its functions?
What is a motherboard and its functions?

Some of the important equipment connected to the motherboard includes Central Processing Unit (CPU), connectors for connecting RAM, hard disk, and I / O devices (Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, USB devices, etc.). If seen, from the power supply in the computer to the communication between other hardware components, all the work is done on the motherboard. Even every part of the computer is connected to the motherboard in some way.

Motherboard functions

Some of the key functions of the motherboard:

Central Backbone: Often the motherboard is called the backbone of the computer. This is because other essential components of the computer such as RAM, hard disk, CPU, etc. are all installed in the motherboard. That is, the motherboard does the groundwork for all computer hardware.

Providing Slots for External Peripherals: The motherboard has several expansion slots for connecting external devices to the computer. With the help of these slots, you can add an extra expansion card (network card, sound card, firewire card, ethernet card, lane card, etc.) to the computer.

Power supply work in computer: Motherboard is also the work of power supply for different components of the computer. First the power reaches the motherboard with the help of the power connector, after that power is supplied to the various components connected to the motherboard.

Controlling Data Flow: The motherboard acts as a communication hub for all components connected to it. It is responsible for managing information traffic within the computer system. All the devices in easy language are able to receive and send data among themselves with the help of the motherboard.

BIOS: It also holds the BIOS program, which is located in the ROM chip on the motherboard. This program is necessary for the boot process of a computer system.

Motherboard type

With the development of computers, the capacity and size of motherboards have also changed. We have different types of motherboards available and all of them are different from each other. So let's know about them in detail.

AT Motherboard

The name of AT Motherboard comes in the oldest motherboard used in computer, it is also called "Full AT". AT means Advance technology, ie new power connectors are present on the board. Each mount of the motherboard consisted of two power connectors of 6 pins each. The motherboard was 351mm in length and 305mm in width. This motherboard, due to its size, did not fit into the mini desktop.

Due to the dimensions of the motherboard, it was difficult to install new drives in it. This motherboard was made by IBM in the 1980s. After which for many decades, the AT motherboard and its variants (Baby AT) retained their good hold in the computer market. But after 1997 the AT form factor was suppressed by ATX.

ATX Motherboard

The ATX Motherboard (Advanced technology extended) was introduced by Intel in the mid-1990s. It was very different from the AT family's motherboard. The ATX was also significantly smaller in size (305 × 204mm) than the old motherboard. This type of motherboard had advanced control facilities available. Apart from this, many other significant changes were also made to the ATX motherboard.

As such, a keyboard connector was added and extra slots were given for various add-ons in the rear plats. In this, power management could be done with the help of the BIOS program. ATX is still used today due to various features. The ATX family also includes Full ATX, Micro ATX, and Flex ATX motherboards.

Mini ITX Motherboard

This type of motherboard is used in a computer system with a small form factor. It was built in 2001 by VIA Technologies. The Mini ITX is 6.7 × 6.7 inches, which is less than any other motherboard. This motherboard consumes the least power due to the small size and fan-less cooling. Due to the low size of the motherboard, it has a few USB connectors. Apart from this, the number of PCI slots is also the same. Overall they are fully used in a small size PC.

Apart from this, many types of motherboards are available, but the motherboards mentioned above are mostly used. So by now, you have known what is a computer motherboard and what works? With this, we have given you information about some of the major types of motherboards. Let us now know the names of important parts installed on the motherboard and their functions.

What is a motherboard and its functions?
What is a motherboard and its functions?

Key parts of the motherboard and their functions

The computer motherboard is like a platform to connect all the parts of the computer together. The names and functions of those parts are explained below.

1.CPU Socket: This is the most important socket on the motherboard, as it is fitted to the CPU (central processing unit) ie the computer brain. It is also called the processor, whose job is to bring program instructions, do their processing, and transfer the data.

2.RAM Slots: The location of the computer where RAM (random access memory) is placed. RAM stores dynamic data temporarily to increase computer performance.

3.I / O Ports: These ports on the motherboard work to connect the computer's input / Output Device to the computer. These include keyboard, mouse, microphone, speaker, monitor, USB devices, Ethernet network cable, and ports for connecting headphones.

4.North Bridge Chipset: The North Bridge or host bridge is a Microchip directly connected to the CPU. Its job is to manage RAM, hard disk, and PCI devices. In the new motherboard, it is present below the heat sink.

5.South-Bridge Chipset: It is also called an IC chip, which connects to the north-bridge. It works to control all input/output functions.

6.Power Connector: This is a power connector of 20-24 pin. Which is connected to SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply). Its job is to draw electricity and supply power to the motherboard. You can say, the power supply required to operate the computer system is done by these connectors.

7.Expansion Card Slots: The slots on the motherboard where you can install additional cards. This is useful when you want to upgrade your PC. These card slots are known as AGP slots (Accelerated Graphics Port) and PCI slots. With their help, you can put an extra graphic card, audio card, network card, and modem card in your motherboard.

8.IDE Connector: IDE, whose full name is Integrated Drive Electronics, is responsible for controlling the hard disk and optical disc devices inside the computer. Although today new types of connectors are used in the motherboard, including the SATA connector. Compared to the 40 pins of the IDE, it is a 7 pin connector.

9.CMOS Battery: Its full form, Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor is a battery-powered chip that stores information such as date and time and hardware set.

10.Heat Sink: A metal device that absorbs high temperature when the motherboard is heated. Due to which the heated parts do not get overheated and they work correctly. It is installed on the northbridge in the motherboard.

What is a motherboard and its functions?
What is a motherboard and its functions?

Apart from this, many other small parts are also included in the motherboard. After knowing so much, you must have understood one thing, what is the role of a computer motherboard. Let's finally take a look at what are the features of the motherboard.

Motherboard features - Characteristics

The importance of a motherboard in a computer is more than any other computer hardware. However, each component is important for a computer to function optimally. Let us tell you what features of the motherboard make it the most important part of the computer. As we told you, the motherboard is a circuit board on which all the important internal computer hardware such as CPU etc. are installed.

A motherboard not only provides space for those components to sit but also communicates with the CPU so that they can share data among themselves. Along with this, there are many slots on the motherboard, which do the work of connecting external devices such as the mouse to the computer. With which you input and provide output to the computer.

The motherboard also serves as the necessary power supply for all computer components connected to it. That is, the utility of the motherboard can not be denied in all important tasks, from turning the computer on to operating. If we consider the CPU as the brain of the computer, then the motherboard is its nervous system.


In this post, you have learned what is a motherboard, and what is its function? If you are a student of computer science or want to understand the computer well, then the motherboard is an important subject. Hopefully, the information on the motherboard given by us may have helped you understand it. However, if you have any questions or suggestions related to this, then please tell us through the comment.